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Monday, June 17, 2024

Verbal reprimand; the only punishment for the killer of a Palestinian child

Pak Sahafat – The Zionist regime admitted to killing a two-year-old Palestinian child, and limited himself only to the administrative reprimand of the killer of this child.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from Russia Alyoum, the Zionist army on Wednesday, after admitting to the murder of the Palestinian child “Mohammed Haitham al-Tamimi”, issued an order to verbally and administratively reprimand one of its officers for the murder of this infant.

According to the statement of the Zionist army, today the commander of the “Kaffir” brigade, Sharon Eltit, issued an administrative reprimand to one of the officers of this brigade for killing a two-year-old Palestinian child.

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Zionism; Palestinian children’s nightmare

Mohammad Haitham al-Tamimi, a two-year-old Palestinian child, was seriously injured by the Zionists’ bullets on June 11 and died a few days later.

This Palestinian child was from the village of “Nabi Saleh” in Ramallah, who was shot by Israeli soldiers along with his father.

The soldiers of the Zionist regime opened fire on the car carrying this father and son on Thursday, June 11, and seriously injured both of them.

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