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The government in London accused China of hunting key British figures

Pak Sahafat – In continuation of the country’s anti-Chinese positions, the London government claimed that Beijing is hunting key British political, defense and industrial figures to advance its interests.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the British government published this article on Thursday in response to the scathing report of the intelligence and security committee of the country’s parliament, in which government ministers have been accused of negligence in facing the so-called threat from China.

In this 48-page document, it is claimed that some of China’s actions have reached the stage of “infiltration and interference” in the UK and that the country has “tried to place British nationals in key positions with sensitive knowledge and experience, including government officials, military and wider community hunts.”

The British government has also stated that a special group has been appointed to prevent the influence of foreign countries on British elections. According to the announced schedule, the next round of British parliamentary elections will be held next year.

These developments take place while the arrest of two British citizens on suspicion of spying for China has made news in the midst of the British Foreign Ministry’s efforts to restore relations with Beijing.

According to the Sunday Times, one of the suspects is an investigator working for the British House of Commons who has been in contact with several senior members of the ruling Conservative Party, some of whom had access to classify or highly sensitive information.

Read more:

Removal of two candidates for the post of British Prime Minister on suspicion of spying for China

This person has also been in contact with Tom Tugendat, Deputy Secretary of State for Security, and Alicia Kearns, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Commons.

Police have confirmed the arrest of a 30-year-old man in the Oxford area and a 20-year-old man in Edinburgh under the Official Secrets Act. According to this report, the London Police’s Counter-Terrorism Command is leading the investigation into this espionage case.

Both suspects have denied the accusations and the Speaker of the British House of Commons announced last Monday that due to the sensitivity of the issue, it is not possible to make a public comment on this issue.

London’s relations with Beijing have been strained in recent years as a result of Britain’s adherence to American policies. British Prime Minister recently accused China of authoritarianism in a meeting attended by international officials and foreign policy experts and announced that the golden age of relations with Beijing is over.

Britain accuses China of violating human rights values ​​in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, as well as espionage, and has terminated a number of heavy trade deals with the country.

Radical politicians and followers of the White House in England, including former Prime Minister Liz Truss, want to reduce London’s relations with Beijing and accuse the government of taking moderate positions towards China.

However, it seems that the London government is recently looking to review its policies and relations with China. During a recent trip to Beijing, British Foreign Minister James Cleverly stated that no important global problem can be solved without China.

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