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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Israeli air, land and naval attack on the Gaza Strip

Pak Sahafat – Fighters, artillery units and boats of the Israeli army attacked the center, north and south of the Gaza Strip early Saturday morning.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoting Palestine Al-Youm news website, Zionist fighters fired at least nine rockets at the Palestinian Resistance Center in the central Gaza Strip this morning.

Zionist army artillery units also targeted an observation post east of the Hajar al-Din area in the center of the Gaza Strip.

This morning, a Palestinian resistance military position in the northern Gaza Strip was also targeted by Israeli artillery units.

Meanwhile, Israeli military boats fired heavy artillery shells at Palestinian fishing boats in the southern Gaza Strip this morning, forcing them to return to shore. The boats simultaneously fired light bullets at the coastal area.

The 12th Zionist Network said Saturday that attacks on the Gaza Strip continue.

There have been no reports of possible damage or casualties from the Zionist attack on the Gaza Strip.

Read more:

Naftali Bennett: Israel is on the verge of collapse

A spokesman for the Israeli army had earlier said that two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into the Zionist settlement of Asqalan in the Occupied Palestinian Territories this Saturday morning.

According to him, at the same time as the rockets were fired from Gaza, the siren sounded the danger of a missile attack in the occupied Asqalan.

Meanwhile, Israeli planes bombed the Beit Hanoun area in the north of the Gaza Strip yesterday, Friday.

Also on Thursday, three Palestinian fishermen were injured in an Israeli naval attack on them in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas called on the Palestinians in the West Bank to take up arms against the occupying army.

The Hamas movement said in a statement to the Palestinians on Friday that stopping the occupiers from invading Palestinian settlements in the occupied territories was conditional on the seizure of weapons and an armed confrontation with the Zionists.

Attacks by the Israeli army on the Palestinians have escalated in recent months, especially in the West Bank.

Israeli special forces stormed a car carrying three young Palestinians in the West Bank city of Jenin on Friday morning, killing all three of them.

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