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Monday, June 17, 2024

Hamas’ first reaction to the Zionist attack on Gaza; Resistance is the shield for the protection of the Palestinian people

Pak Sahafat – The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called the new attack by the Israeli army on the Gaza Strip a continuation of the regime’s aggression against the Palestinian territories and stressed that the resistance will always be a shield to protect the Palestinian people.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, “Hazem Qasim,” the spokesman for the Hamas movement, said in a radio speech this Saturday morning in response to the Israeli army’s comprehensive attack on the Gaza Strip: The occupying army invaded the Gaza Strip along with the aggression against the entire Palestinian territory.

Read more:

Israeli air, land and naval attack on the Gaza Strip

He stressed: The resistance will always be the shield of the Palestinian people everywhere and their sword that will strike the enemy.

Fighters, artillery units and boats of the Israeli army attacked the center, north and south of the Gaza Strip this morning and Saturday morning.

There have been no reports of possible damage or casualties from the Zionist attack on the Gaza Strip.

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