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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Gancy Nancy Pelosi; The Iraq war is the cause of American inflation

Pak Sahafat – The staggering raise in prices in the United States, which has forced US officials to shrug off their responsibilities, this time caused a news blunder by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who blamed the “war in Iraq” for rising spending.

In a press conference, the speaker of the US House of Representatives described inflation as a result of problems in the supply of goods and restrictions on transportation.

He told reporters: We are facing a war in Iraq and a corona epidemic that has prevented more products from entering the United States.

Adafter Pelosi changed the phrase “Iraq” to “Ukraine” after the text of his remarks was published on her official website.

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But her office later revised the text of her statement in line with US Democratic policies, calling the “war in Ukraine” the cause of inflation in the United States.

Pelosi is not the first American political figure to confuse the conflict in Ukraine with the Iraq war, which began with a full-scale invasion in 2003.

Former United States President George W. Bush last month called the war in Ukraine an “unjustifiable and brutal invasion of Iraq,” but he immediately corrected his remarks, saying he had done so because of old age.

Annual inflation in the United States reached 8.6 percent in May, the highest inflation rate since 1981. Meanwhile, food and fuel prices have risen, and this week the price per gallon (about 3.8 liters) of gasoline in the United States Reached $ 5.

According to a new poll by the Wall Street Journal, 83% of Americans assess the economic situation in this country as weak and not very good.

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