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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hamas: Surrender has no place in the dictionary of the Palestinian nation

Pak Sahafat – The deputy head of the political office of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said: The Palestinian nation will not surrender and has never thought of surrendering.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Saleh al-Arouri added in an interview with “Al-Aqsa” radio on Thursday night: We believe that the result of the fight against the Zionist enemy is victory.

He added: The occupiers want to destroy our nation, history and sanctities and replace it with a fake history and nation, but they should know that it is the occupiers who will be expelled from this land and not the Palestinian nation.

Al-Arouri said: “Resistance has started since the occupation of Palestine and continues.”

He stated: We are a single nation and we are always ready for war and struggle in order to achieve rights and defend sacred things.

In response to a question about the Zionist regime’s accusation that Hamas is behind the West Bank operations, the deputy head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement said: Hamas is a part of this nation and is at the center of a historical resistance, and it is our honor to be the defender of our nation, holy places and land.

Read more:

Hamas official: Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line

Al-Arouri added: It is the occupying regime that forces the children of Palestine to enter resistance and struggle with its criminal actions.

He said: When the occupiers revealed their intention to dominate the West Bank and Quds, they forced us to enter the battle in the West Bank.

Al-Arouri added: Today we are fighting against occupation and settlement building, and every day we enter this fight later, we must fight in more difficult conditions.

He said: Our nation is always ready to fight the occupiers anywhere, and the crimes of the occupiers do not benefit them.

The Zionist regime considers the responsibility of the operations in the West Bank towards the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and Lebanon. And the leaders of the resistance took the threats of the Zionist enemy seriously, especially after the intensification of the resistance operations in the West Bank.

The Palestinian resistance groups evacuated their main bases and headquarters in order to prepare for any possible attack and crime of the Zionist enemy.

Although the resistance had taken security measures in Gaza and Lebanon some time ago, but following the recent threats of the Zionist enemy, it has greatly increased these measures.

On the other hand, the resistance has announced through messages to the mediating parties that any crime and assassination by the Zionist enemy will be met with an unimaginable response.

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