28 C
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Zionist flag set on fire in Colombia + Images

Hundreds of protesters against the Colombian government’s tax policies set fire to the Zionist regime’s flag during their protests.

Yesterday (Saturday), hundreds of protesters against the tax policies of Colombian President Ivan Duque demonstrated in the streets of the Colombian capital Bogota, setting fire to the Zionist flag during their protests.

AFP reported in this regard, Anti-government protests in Colombia began on April 28 against a plan to reform the country’s tax system, and at least 59 people were killed during the unrest.

According to Euronews, Colombia is one of the countries in the world with the highest rate of social inequality, according to the World Bank. On the other hand, the corona virus epidemic has increased the number of people living in poverty in this country.

It is estimated that more than 42% of Colombia’s population of 50 million now live at risk of poverty.

About 2,300 people were reportedly injured during protests against the Colombian president’s tax policies last month.

Protesters in the Colombian capital set fire to the Israeli flag during a demonstration in protest of recent Israeli aggression against Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem.

Clashes between the Zionist regime and Palestinian resistance groups began on Monday, May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need to end the attacks in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and continued until Friday (May 21).

According to the latest statistics from the Gaza Ministry of Health, 66 children and 39 women were among the martyrs of the Zionist regime’s aggression in Gaza, and the number of wounded in this war has reached about 2,000.

During the 12-day war, demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people took place in many parts of the world, and some US and pro-Zionist cities in the United States also saw support for the Palestinians.

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