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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Zionist expert: Israel has reached the edge of the abyss

Pak Sahafat – An expert of the Zionist regime warned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu about the danger of the current situation of this regime and said: Israel has reached the edge of the abyss.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Tuesday, “Abraham Frank”, an expert on education in the Zionist regime, wrote in an article in the Zionist Ma’ariv newspaper: The lack of power to think deeply about our own situation and our own future has brought us to this edge. The decision to keep the West Bank with millions of Palestinians under our own rule was a mistake that gradually paid off. In this story, you (Netanyahu) had the central role and were one of the wrongdoers on a personal and public level. You (Netanyahu) are responsible for the emergence of two (political) camps that do not meet.

Addressing Netanyahu, he added: The question you have to answer with your performance is, do you allow the extreme parts of your camp to use their enormous ethnic and religious power to do whatever they want with Israel? Or will you put up fences and boundaries for these sectors that the vast majority can live with? Do you know how to protect Israel from destruction?

Referring to the effectiveness of the extreme right and extremist religious movements and parties in the Israeli regime, he warned about the “reverse migration of secular Israelis” from this regime and said: There will be a group migration of men and women to other countries. Do you know how to save the great minority before it slips through your fingers and disappears?

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At the same time, this Zionist expert expressed doubts about Netanyahu’s power to prevent the above cases from happening and said: Netanyahu will be a captive of extremist hands who will dominate his personal and political destiny.

Addressing Netanyahu, he warned about the dire internal situation of the Israeli regime and its movement towards destruction and said: There is only one way forward to try to get out of the biggest crisis in Israel’s history, and that is to join your own coalition from the three parties Yesh Atid headed by Yair Lapid, the official camp headed by Benny Gans and Yisrael Beitna headed by Avigdor Lieberman because with them the Likud party will have a majority that will be able to stop all kinds of dangerous blows to Israel. These three parties will know to make the final decision. The salvation of Israel is in your hands, Netanyahu. To leave a burnt land behind you, or to save the Zionist movement in its current structure from destruction in public at this time.

The Zionist regime is currently facing numerous political crises and deep demographic gaps and faults. Holding five rounds of parliamentary elections in just four years is evidence of political instability in this regime. The class differences and confiscation of resources in the hands of the Zionist and Haredi religious currents, to the detriment of the secular currents, have increased the severity of the crisis within this regime and have torn them apart.

In the shadow of these conditions, many heads of the Zionist regime have warned many times in recent years about the danger of internal collapse of this regime.

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