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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Western News Base: America’s presence in Syria is aimed at looting the country’s resources

Pak Sahafat – The Czech news site in Europe announced in a report: American occupying forces are present in Syria to seize territories and loot the country’s wealth.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from SANA, the Syrian state news agency; The Czech news site “ATC24” emphasized in its report that the presence of American occupying forces in Syrian territories is not for the purpose of fighting the terrorist group “ISIS”, but is part of Washington’s war against Syria, which also includes economic sanctions.

With the defeat of the ISIS terrorist group as the American military arm in Syria in December 2016, the American forces directly replaced this group and started extracting and stealing Syrian oil from that exact time instead of ISIS.

Read more:

Russia warned; America wants terrorist attacks in Syria

In general, convoys of American occupying forces, including trucks and tankers carrying stolen Syrian oil, pass through the illegal crossing of Al-Mahmoudieh and make their way to Iraqi territory.

This western site announced today in a statement: The construction of new military bases by America in eastern Syria means the continuation of the occupation of Syrian lands and its wealth.

According to this report, the excuse of fighting the terrorist group “ISIS” has no meaning anymore, especially if the US withdraws from Syria, the Syrian government and their allied powers can fight the remnants of this terrorist group.

This site emphasized that due to the broad Arab and regional opening towards Damascus and the resumption of Syria’s presence in Arab League meetings and the strengthening of its relations with various countries, the hostile policy of America towards Syria has become clearer.

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