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Monday, June 17, 2024

US address its citizens: Leave Ukraine now!

The Washington administration has advised all American citizens in Ukraine to leave the country as soon as possible and by any means.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Rashatoudi news network, a warning from a previous US visit in January expressed similar concerns about the growing military threats from Russia and Corona, while urging its citizens to refrain from going to Ukraine but not urging them to do so as soon as possible.

The US State Department has issued a new travel warning to its citizens in Ukraine: Do not go to Ukraine due to increased threats of Russian and Corona military action; those who are in Ukraine also leave the country by commercial or personal flights.

Read more: Sending a special team of British troops to Ukraine to confront Russia: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=18809

The statement also said: Those American citizens who remain in Ukraine should also be aware of potential Russian military operations, civil unrest, and possible crimes. The US government cannot expel its citizens if there is a military conflict in Ukraine.

The United States issued the first “do not travel” red warning to travel to Ukraine last month. At the time, it only encouraged its diplomats and their families to leave Ukraine.

This was not to the liking of the Kyiv government, and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry described the de facto withdrawal as untimely.

Moscow has repeatedly denied any involvement in the attack, and the Ukrainian government has blamed the United States for the attack.

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