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Monday, June 17, 2024

United Nations: Sudan is experiencing one of the most brutal wars

Pak Sahafat – The United Nations High Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs said that Sudan is experiencing one of the most brutal wars.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from Turkey’s Anatolia news agency on Tuesday morning, Martin Griffiths, the United Nations High Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs, said that Sudan is experiencing a civil war, which is one of the most brutal types of wars.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs added: The world needs a new meeting to discuss a ceasefire in Sudan.

Earlier, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that Sudan is on the verge of entering an all-out civil war that may destabilize the entire region.

Meanwhile, on Monday, the IGAD quadrilateral meeting with the presence of the heads of four African countries and the boycott of the meeting by representatives of the Sudanese army started in the capital of Ethiopia to discuss the Sudan crisis.

At the opening of this meeting, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed called on both sides of the conflict in Sudan to stop the war.

Read more:

America’s confused policy in Sudan

Kenyan President William Ruto also called for an unconditional end to the war in Sudan to end the suffering of civilians.

This is the first meeting held by the IGAD quadrilateral group at the level of heads of state.

Previously, Sudanese sources had announced that the Sudanese army and rapid support forces would participate in the meeting, but Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Addis Ababa said that the meeting began with its boycott by the delegation of the Sudanese army.

Armed conflicts in Sudan since Saturday, April 15 between the army under the command of “Abd al-Fattah al-Barhan” and the rapid support forces under the command of “Mohammed Hamdan Daghlo” nicknamed (Hamidati) over the power of the beginning and international mediation to end it and sit the conflicting parties on discussion table has not been fruitful so far.

During this period, sometimes very heavy battles have been going on between the two sides, which have caused the death of several hundred Sudanese and the displacement and abandonment of about three million other people.

The Sudanese army claims to integrate the country’s military forces to go towards the formation of democratic institutions and hand over power to a civilian government, but the Rapid Support Forces claims that the Sudanese army has prevented the formation of a civilian government and endangered the democratic process in this country.

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