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Sunday, June 2, 2024

America’s behind-the-scenes goals of transferring cluster bombs to Ukraine

Pak Sahafat – A former Pentagon analyst considered the US decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine as Washington’s only way to get rid of the accumulated prohibited weapons that do not have many customers.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Tuesday, quoting from Sputnik, Former Pentagon analyst Karen Kwaitkowski told this news agency: Since the US can’t easily sell its cluster bombs to the many countries that have banned their use, it is more than happy to empty its stockpiles of these bombs and ship them to Ukraine.

Kwiatkowski then added: “The Pentagon’s interest seems to be in getting rid of the munitions, and it’s certainly not easy to make a profit from the sale of cluster bombs because of the ban on their use.”

He continued: From the point of view of the American military industry, the Pentagon and its contractors can design and sell new and more profitable weapons after emptying the warehouses of old cluster bombs that have no customers. But from a battlefield advance point of view or a peace perspective, the use of cluster bombs, like the use of mines, can be a battlefield tactic that blocks land areas and transport lines and renders them unusable.

Read more:

Former US intelligence officer: Cluster bombs won’t change anything for Ukraine

This American analyst also warned against the entry of these ammunitions into the black market and noted that until now, Ukraine has not been responsible in using all the weapons provided by the West, and there is no reason to believe that this will not happen this time.

While criticizing the double standards of the West, Kwaitkowski also mentioned: In 2022, Western media condemned Russia’s use of cluster bombs as a war crime, but now openly defends sending them to Ukraine.

He added: “This decision of America and its simplistic acceptance by NATO is against the policies of many member countries of this military alliance and indicates extreme hypocrisy of the West.”

In the wake of the Biden administration’s decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, human rights activists and some American lawmakers have raised widespread criticism.

Rep. Matt Gates, Republican of Florida, said Monday that he will defend an amendment to the US defense budget that would prohibit the administration from transferring cluster munitions to Ukraine or any other country.

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