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Monday, June 17, 2024

Ukraine crisis; the fear of the Arab sheikhdoms who are committed to the normalization of relations and the West

With the situation that Ukraine found itself in after the Russian invasion, the countries that sought to gain the support of the West and the United States by normalizing relations with the Zionist regime have now come to their senses and are very worried about their future.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Ukraine is a member of the former Soviet Union, which became one of Russia’s allies after secession from the Soviet Union.

The agreements reached between the breakaway countries and Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union emphasizes their alliance with Russia. But the West and the United States in particular, has since disintegrated, and especially since the early 21st century, has sought to gradually separate these countries from Russia and place them in the ranks of Western allies.

The US approach to changing the status quo of the breakaway countries of the Soviet Union and including them in the Western Allies was to use color and soft revolutions with the aim of establishing Western governments in those countries. This method was used in Ukraine as well, and “Vladimir Zelensky” is the same pro-Western president who came to power with a soft revolution.

The plight of the pro-Western Ukrainian president

All the efforts of the pro-Western currents in Ukraine were to bring a pro-Western state to power. But none of the pro-Western governments that have come to power in Russia’s allies have experienced the situation they would face if military intervention were to take place. In this respect, Ukraine is the first to experience a campaign with Russia.

But the kind of action and support of the Americans and the West for Ukraine has put the Jewish president of Ukraine – who came to power with the support of the Zionist lobby – in a difficult situation, which has raised his complaint.

Zelensky, a day after the start of the Russian military campaign, shouted loudly at the United States and all Western countries, shouting that he no longer needed to speak out and condemn Russia’s attacks, but needed weapons.

Read more: Arab media analysis of the process of deception of public opinion by Westerners in the Ukraine crisis: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20633

The loud shouts of the pro-Western Ukrainian president and his grievances over the support of the West and the United States won many countries around the world, particularly in the West Asian region.

Normalization with the Zionist regime is a condition for receiving US support

According to available documents and statements by White House and Gulf officials, normalization with the Zionist regime has been a condition for the United States to support the sovereignty of the Arab states and the Persian Gulf.

In fact, it should be said that the countries that have so far attempted to normalize relations with the Zionist regime have done so under the illusion of having the support of the United States and allying with the West. But now the US and Western support for Ukraine has turned the dream of the Gulf rulers into a nightmare.

Now the Gulf States and the countries that have entered the normalization campaign with the support of the West are asking themselves the question: If one day they are in a campaign like Ukraine, what will be the support of the West and the United States.

A history of US and Western support for their allies

US and Western support for their allies has not waned in decades, and with one exception, there has never been the support that these countries have expected from an alliance with the West and the United States.

With the exception of the Western coalition invading Kuwait and liberating the country from Saddam in the 1990s, there is no other example of the West entering the battlefield in support of an ally, and in all cases the conflict ended in a confrontation.

The same position was taken by the targeting of a Russian plane by Turkey and the killing of a Russian pilot, and the Turks, despite being allies of the United States and NATO, were left alone with Russia to the point that Turkey was forced to apologize and pay compensation to Russia.

Zionist example of supporting the ally

A recent example of support for the West’s allies can be seen in the actions of the Zionist regime in the West Asian region and its treatment of the countries bordering the Persian Gulf.

When the UAE officially announced the normalization of the Zionist regime, and at a time when the agreement had not yet been signed, the Zionists, in a blatant act, reacted negatively to the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE, announcing permission to conclude this agreement will not give weapons.

A similar move has been repeated in recent months, when the UAE came under fire from Ansar al-Yamin’s retaliatory missiles and drone strikes and was losing its economic revenues, the Zionists announced that they were willing to sell the systems for security reasons. Under pressure from the United States, the Zionists corrected their position and announced in the media a few days later, they will sell the missile defense systems to the UAE, but these words remained in line with the statements of the officials, and what was implemented in practice was an agreement to buy the UAE missile systems from South Korea, and the Zionists did not take any action to help the UAE.

This kind of Western action in support of their allies is quite normal. Especially if the party with which the Western allies have entered the campaign, such as Russia, also has military and technological capabilities, in which case not only will they not take any action, but they can also wait for their opposition in support.

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