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Monday, June 17, 2024

Increased destruction of Palestinian homes by the Zionist regime

The destruction of Palestinian homes by the Zionist regime has increased during the presidency.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – The destruction of Palestinian property in the West Bank by the Zionist regime during the presidency of US President Joe Biden is very fast.

According to Intercept, the Zionist regime has destroyed thousands of Palestinian homes since Biden took office at the White House, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Thirteen months after Biden took office, more than 1,300 Palestinians, most of them children, have been displaced by the destruction of their homes by the Zionist regime.

According to Diana Bhutto, a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and researcher at the Naftali Bennett Institute for Middle East Understanding, he is stepping up the destruction as a show of strength.

Read more: Zionist regime warns of deteriorating situation in Palestine at the beginning of Ramadan: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20065

Experts say the increasing rate of demolition of Palestinian homes by the Zionist regime is a direct result of Biden’s refusal to put pressure on Bennett over Palestinian rights.

In 2021, the Zionist regime’s forced demolition of Palestinian structures increased to 907 – the second highest level of demolition of Palestinian homes in history; the highest rate of destruction occurred in 2016, during the presidency of former US President Barack Obama.

Since the beginning of 2022, the Zionist regime has destroyed 145 structures belonging to the Palestinians, which has put Biden and Bennett on the path to another record.

This increase is accompanied by the resurgence of blatant assassinations, the rapid intensification of the Zionist regime’s demands for development and ethnic cleansing in the occupied West Bank.

While the Biden government last year made public demands to stop the destruction, it refrains from exerting significant pressure on the Zionist regime.

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