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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Zionist regime cut off the drinking water of 1,200 Palestinians

Pak Sahafat – News sources announced that the Zionist regime cut off the drinking water of 1,200 Palestinians in an area in the West Bank.

According to the report of the international group of Pak Sahafat news agency, on Wednesday evening, the Zionist occupying forces cut off the only water supply line for the residents of Nabaa al-Awja area in the north of Jericho.

Local residents announced that the Zionist occupying forces closed the only water supply line that provided drinking water to 1,200 Palestinians by welding steel sheets and filling it with stones, depriving the families of drinking water.

“Hassan Malihat”, the watchdog of the organization for the defense of the rights of the Bedouins, “Al-Bidar”, announced: the residents of Naba al-Awja are one of the largest Bedouin communities in the West Bank, and the citizens of this area are repeatedly violated by the invaders and settlers with the aim of stealing water and controlling the land.

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Israel is also afraid of the happiness of the Palestinians

On the other hand, the Palestinian occupiers destroyed an agricultural facility in the village of “Hosan” in the “Bethlehem” region with bulldozers early on Wednesday, while the Zionist settlers continued their attacks against Palestinians in various areas of the West Bank, especially in the Nablus region.

The occupying forces attacked the “Ain al-Balad” area in Hosan village and destroyed an agricultural unit belonging to a Palestinian family under the pretext of not having a permit.

Palestinian institutions have always demanded international support for the oppressed Palestinian nation and have asked the International Criminal Court to start investigating the crimes of the Zionist regime as soon as possible.

The international community is still silent about administrative detention and other apartheid measures of the Zionist regime, and this is a green light for the continued occupation of Palestinian lands and violation of Palestinian rights.

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