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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The White House’s first reaction to the preliminary results of the Iraqi elections

Following the announcement of the preliminary results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections, the White House congratulated the Iraqi elections and said that the elections were “largely peaceful.”

According to the international group of Pak Sahafat News Agency, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Friday told reporters on Friday that Iraq’s election was “largely peaceful.”

According to Reuters, Pesaki clarified: We congratulate the Iraqi government on its success in fulfilling its promises to hold early elections.

She added that Washington is waiting for the official confirmation of the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections, adding: “We hope that as soon as the final results of the elections are confirmed, new members of the state parliament will be elected based on the will of the Iraqi people.”

Following the protests against the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections, the Iraqi Electoral Commission removed the results from its website.

The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) deleted the announced results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections from its website moments ago.

The Iraqi High Electoral Commission has previously announced that the final results of the elections will be announced after the outcome of the protests is known.

The preliminary results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections were announced yesterday, and the number of seats won by political groups in the first early parliamentary elections was announced, which provoked reactions.

Read more: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13182

According to preliminary results announced by the Independent High Electoral Commission the Sadr faction is at the top with 73 seats, followed by the Coalition for Priority with 38, the Coalition for the Rule of Law with 37, the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 32, the Kurdistan Coalition with 17, the Mahini Union of Kurdistan with 15, the Coalition of Determination with 15, the Fatah Coalition with 14 , The Extension Movement with 9, Al-Jail Al-Jadeed with 9, the Islamic Union with 4, the Babylonian Movement with 4, the Decision with 3, the Wisdom Movement with 2 and the Al-Nasr Coalition with 2 seats are in the next ranks.

Al-Fatah, Doleh al-Qanun, Asaeb Ahl al-Haq, Kataeb Hezbollah, Hezb-e-Islami and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) coalitions have called the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections fabricated and rejected.

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