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Monday, June 17, 2024

The Turkish official addressed the Prince of England: White child! Who are you to decide?

Pak Sahafat – The Speaker of the Turkish Parliament strongly criticized the Prince of England’s statements in his new book, who admitted to killing 25 Afghan people.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat News Agency, “Mustafa Sentop”, the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, reacted to the statements of Prince Harry, the son of the King of England, about the assassination in Afghanistan.

“Daily Telegraph” newspaper reported that Prince Harry mentioned the killing of Afghan people in his autobiography, which was to be published on January 10th.

Harry made statements in his book about killing 25 Afghan people and said: “My number is 25 (people). It is not a number that satisfies me; But it doesn’t make me ashamed either.”

“Al-Jazeera” channel, on Monday evening, quoted the Turkish newspaper “Hurrit” and reported that the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament recently reacted to these statements in the province of “Edirne”.

Shentop said: “Prince Harry has admitted that he killed 25 people in Afghanistan and he is not ashamed of this! European white child! Who are you to decide whether they are human or not? What were you doing in Afghanistan? What were you looking for?”

The Speaker of the Turkish Parliament is referring to the part of Prince Harry’s book that compares the elements of the Taliban group to chess pieces that are removed from the chess board instead of human beings.

In another section, the speaker of the Turkish Parliament said that the 20th century was the bloodiest century in the history of mankind and added: Europeans are the ones who kill the most people in the world. Europeans killed more than 20 million people in World War I, they then killed at least 75 million in World War II. Some say they killed over 100 million people.

At the same time, he said: “The world does not like views that marginalize people. Unlike Europeans and white people who use all the facilities of the world for their own benefit and abuse other people to serve themselves.”

These statements of Prince Harry were strongly criticized by the British army. These officials responded by saying that Harry’s statements would jeopardize his security and bring the British Army into disrepute.

“Kim Darroch,” the former British national security adviser, who was the British ambassador to the United States between 2016 and 2019, told Sky News that he would advise Prince Harry to issue a statement in this regard.

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