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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Saudi king belatedly condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran in Europe

The King of Saudi Arabia, with a significant delay, condemned the crime of desecrating the Holy Quran in European countries and demanded the attention of Western governments to these actions.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, the cabinet of Saudi Arabia, headed by “Salman bin Abdulazir”, the king of this country, condemned the burning of the Holy Quran in a number of European capitals in recent days.

According to the report of “Russia Al-Yum” news site, the Saudi Council of Ministers in a meeting chaired by King Salman emphasized the importance of the governments of these countries paying attention to the provocative actions of millions of Muslims around the world.

The incident of desecration of the Holy Qur’an in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, took place on Saturday and provoked the anger of Muslims. This action was criticized and condemned by Arab and Islamic countries, who described it as a “provocative action against the feelings of one and a half billion Muslims.”

Read more:

Continued protests against the desecration of the Holy Quran; British Muslims set Danish flag on fire

Although this criminal act was repeated many times in European countries, Saudi authorities did not show any specific reaction to it. The foreign ministries of countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council only made a statement rejecting this action, which was carried out by the leader of an extremist group in the Netherlands.

In its statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, while condemning this insulting act, emphasized that the tearing of the Holy Quran in the Netherlands hurts the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world. In this statement, Saudi Arabia’s position on promoting the values ​​of dialogue, tolerance, coexistence and avoiding hatred and extremism was emphasized.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE also emphasized the country’s opposition to any measures to disrupt security and stability that are against human and moral values ​​and principles, and also called for respect for religious symbols and holy places and to avoid any provocative actions and polarizations.

According to the report of “Al-Khalij Online” website, “Nayef Al-Hajraf”, Secretary General of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, also condemned the insult to the Holy Quran and stressed that this action hurts the feelings of Muslims all over the world.

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