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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The presence of more than 2 million people in France’s protests

Pak Sahafat – The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the largest labor union in France and one of the main unions organizing nationwide protests, announced the number of participants in France’s demonstrations (Saturday) in reaction to the pension law reforms, more than 2 million 500 thousand people.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from France’s “Midi Libre” information base, while the General Confederation of Labor announced the number of protesters across France yesterday as more than 2,500,000, the police gave the figure of 963,000.

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Expanding the scope of protests and strikes in France

The French Union of Students (Unef) announced the number of students who participated in the protests yesterday (February 11) as 120,000.

The General Confederation of Labor also announced the number of protesters in major cities, according to which 500,000 people participated in demonstrations in Paris, 140,000 in Marseille, 100,000 in Toulouse and 35,000 in Montpellier.

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However, the statistics provided by the police are much lower and say 93 thousand, 12 thousand, 25 thousand and 20 thousand people in the mentioned cities, respectively.

Employees’ and workers’ unions, which had repeatedly and before the French presidential election, declared their opposition to the plan to amend the Emmanuel Macron government’s pension law and increase the retirement age from 62 to 64 years, as the discussion became more serious and the official presentation of this plan to the parliament, planned a large-scale demonstration and strike from the end of January.

The first nationwide demonstration and strike on January 19, which was met with great support from the people of this country, made the unions determined to continue the protest, and so far several days of rallies and strikes have been held throughout France.

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