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Monday, June 17, 2024

The fuel crisis in the United States is pushing Biden to the Persian Gulf

Pak Sahafat – Reuters news agency reported on Thursday: US officials are preparing for US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East, including some oil-rich Gulf States, especially Saudi Arabia, later this month (June).

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency on Thursday, Reuters added: According to some informed sources, although the final decision on this trip has not been made, the planning of such a trip was discussed during the recent G7 summit in Germany and the NATO summit in Spain.

The Associated Press also quoted White House sources as saying that Biden would also meet with the leaders of Iraq, Egypt and Jordan during his trip to the Middle East.

Read more:

The shadow of the US inflation crisis on Biden

According to Reuters, during his trip to the Middle East, Biden will meet with Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, while he will also visit the Occupied Territories and meet with the Prime Minister of Israel.

Reuters further reported: The trip is aimed at boosting ties with Gulf States especially Saudi Arabia as the Biden administration seeks to find ways to reduce fuel prices in the United States.

Reuters added: Following the assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashgeji, who according to the US intelligence service was confirmed by bin Salman, Joe Biden promised the White House in January 2021 after Ward to reconsider Washington’s relations with Riyadh.

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