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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria revealed the true face of Europe and the West

Pak Sahafat – An English writer said: The earthquake in Turkey and Syria revealed the true face of Europe and the West in general and proved to the world that the West is more interested in destruction and war than reconstruction.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, “David Hurst” added in an article published in “Middle East Eye” news website: This devastating earthquake provided an opportunity for the West to show the world that it is capable of rebuilding as much as it can destroy, and that it can lead the moral and humane lives of millions, but this opportunity was missed because the West showed that now more than anything else, the war in Ukraine is of primary importance to it.

Hurst continued: This week, the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky to Britain and Brussels replaced the news of the earthquake and in the conscience of politicians, it became a winning card in the field of politics, and all European parliaments have competed to meet this “brave knight”.

This English writer said: England, which was honored to host Zelenskiy before France and Germany, proudly promised that in addition to the 2.7 billion dollars of military aid it provided to Ukraine last year, it will give him the same amount this year. In the second place, the military aid to Ukraine should be placed.

Read more:

Earthquake in Syria; The effect of cruel American sanctions against Damascus on the increase of earthquake victims

Cruelty to mankind

Hurst stated: When there is political will, this budget can be easily provided from the British government sources, while the total aid to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, amounting to 6 million dollars, is also from people’s aid.

He expressed his surprise and disgust at his country’s 6 million dollar aid to help 23 million earthquake victims, compared to 2.3 billion dollars to provide weapons needed in the war in Ukraine.

Hirst added: This behavior of the British can be a criterion similar to the Richter scale for measuring the cruelty of humans towards their fellow humans. In order to overcome natural disasters, humans need international cooperation beyond the political will of countries.

Strategic error

Hurst described Europe’s delay in responding to the earthquake disaster as a big mistake and added that While the people of England, France or Germany have not yet collected a significant amount to help the earthquake victims, the people of other countries including Saudi Arabia – for example – only 4 days after the launch of the “Campaign to help the earthquake victims” more than They have donated 51 million dollars to help Syria and Turkey, the amount of this aid is a source of confusion for England and the West.

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook southern Turkey and northern Syria on the morning of Monday, 17th of Bahman, which has had more than 1,600 aftershocks so far.

During this earthquake, 24 thousand 617 citizens lost their lives and 80 thousand 278 people were injured.

This fatal incident has brought widespread reactions and the leaders of different countries have expressed their sympathy with the Syrian and Turkish nations, and in this regard, aid has been given to the two countries.

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