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The danger of “Netanyahu’s ISIS cabinet” from the words of the former Jordanian minister

Pak Sahafat – The Jordanian Former Minister of Culture warned about the extreme identity of the new Zionist government cabinet and the possibility of jeopardizing Jordan’s guardianship over the holy places of Palestine and wrote that this ISIS cabinet will probably bring Jordan and Israel face to face.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat News Agency, the former Minister of Culture of Jordan, Mohammad Aborman, in a memo, described the new cabinet of the Zionist regime headed by Benjamin Netanyahu as an “ISIS cabinet”.

The former Jordanian minister said in this note, which was published on the website of Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper, regarding the recent interview of King Abdullah II of Jordan with CNN and his messages to the new extreme right-wing government in Israel and to the international community and to the United States, especially when it comes to the possibility of a third intifada in Palestine and clear red lines. Jordan spoke about Jerusalem and the holy places under the protection of Amman, there is a sense of satisfaction among Jordanian political elites [because King Abdullah defended Jordan’s right to custody of Palestinian holy places].

Read more:

The challenges that caused the Jordanian crisis; From economic management to Zionist plans

It is added in this note: But what if Benjamin Netanyahu crosses Jordan’s red lines [because of his religious extremist cabinet]? Of course he will pass. This puts us face to face with Israel, especially since the King of Jordan also mentioned this possibility in his interview. An informed Jordanian politician told the writer that Jordan still has a lot of cards in his hand. He adds: Why be in a hurry? It is true that we are facing an extreme religious and political right-wing government, but this issue is also a problem for Netanyahu himself, who formed this [religious extremist] cabinet through a coalition with extreme religious and political figures, each of whom carries a The program and discourse are worrying for the US government, the international community and the West. Today, it is not just about the controversial cases related to Jerusalem, the annexation of the West Bank and the incitement against the Palestinians of the [occupation] of 1948, but it goes beyond this and includes the destruction of secularism in Israel and the change of the judicial and educational system towards a religious government. It is a threat to the lives of the Israelis themselves, and it destroys the roots of secularism and creates many problems in the Jewish-Israeli society. This is what the Israeli press has warned about.

The Jordanian minister reminded that “Yes, this aspect of the case is very important. “Brushani emphasizes that today’s extreme religious currents in Israel are stronger [than other currents],” he wrote: The big problem inside Israel is that these currents carry values ​​that are not only contradictory to what the international community and the West say about the issue and rights of the Palestinians, but even to the rights of the Israelis themselves, and this issue is probably discussed in the Arab media and among friends. In the Western media, it will be exploited and they will talk about the danger of the new [Israeli] government to regional security as, from the eyes of the Jews, this government is the ISIS government.

According to this Jordanian minister, “Jordanians and Palestinians should prepare for the difficult stage ahead, especially if the upcoming presidential election in the United States, with the help of international and American and unfortunately Arab lobbies, appoints a right-wing friend who supports Israel’s extremism. Unfortunately, it is no longer a secret that some Arab governments and Arab intellectuals no longer hide their Zionist orientation and their indescribable joy at Netanyahu’s return to power in the Israeli regime.

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