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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Spokesman of Ansarullah: The earthquake is a moral test for the countries sanctioning Syria

Pak Sahafat – Emphasizing the need to end the siege of Syria, the spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement said that the earthquake is a moral and human test for countries that outwardly sympathize with the Syrian nation, but still participate in the siege of this country.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, Mohammad Abd al-Salam, the spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, emphasized on Tuesday evening that the cruel siege against the Syrian nation should be lifted.

Al-Masira news channel quoted Abdus Salam as reporting that due to the disaster that has befallen the Syrian nation due to the earthquake, the siege of the Syrian nation should be canceled by canceling Caesar’s oppressive law.

He emphasized that this earthquake is a moral and humane test for countries that [seemingly sympathize with the Syrian nation], but still participate in the siege of Syria.

Read more:

Declaration of readiness of Algeria and Egypt to help the victims of the earthquake in Syria

On December 20, 2018, Washington approved a so-called “Caesar Act” against Syria during the presidency of former US President Donald Trump. These sanctions were approved by the US Congress after three years of tussle between the two Republican and Democratic parties and entered the implementation phase at the beginning of 2020.

Meanwhile, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale, centered in Turkey, shook many parts of West Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region at dawn (Monday).

Data from seismological centers indicated that this earthquake occurred on the border between Turkey and Syria and 26 kilometers northeast of Gaziantep, Turkey.

According to reports, this earthquake was recorded in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and parts of Ukraine and Europe including Greece, Bulgaria, etc.

The Syrian Ministry of Health also announced in a statement today: “The number of victims of the earthquake has increased to 1,448 injured and 769 killed in the provinces of Aleppo, Latakia, Hama, Idlib, and Tartous, and this is not the final figure.”

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