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Monday, June 3, 2024

Record the biggest cyber theft of digital currencies platform

A Chinese security company says hackers stole $ 196 million from a cryptocurrency trading platform in a cyberattack.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoted by CNBC News, The bitcoin cryptocurrency trading platform confirmed the news of the hackers’ attack and theft from this platform and announced in a statement: The hackers’ move follows a large-scale security breach, and the hackers managed to steal about $ 150 million.

However, a Chinese security company estimates that the damage caused by the hacker attack on the digital currency platform is more than $ 200 million.

Beatmart continued its statement: All activities of this website have been temporarily suspended until further notice for further investigation.

Read more: 200 American companies were targeted by cyber attacks: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=8032

It is estimated that about $ 100 million of Atrium’s digital currency and $ 96 million were stolen from the Bainance smart chain in the cyberattack.

The bitcoin cryptocurrency trading platform confirmed the news of the hackers’ attack and theft from this platform and announced in a statement: The hackers’ move follows a large-scale security breach, and the hackers managed to steal about $ 150 million.

BeatMart officials have not yet responded to news media questions about compensation for their customers in the cyberattack. BitMart is one of the centralized digital currency exchanges in terms of trading volume. The exchange says it is not yet clear what method the hackers used to enter the platform’s information system.

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