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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Palestinian resistance: Zionists will not have security in our land/ the resistance continues

Pak Sahafat – The Palestinian resistance groups, led by the Hamas movement, congratulated the anti-Zionist operation near the city of Ramallah and emphasized that the Zionist regime is unable to stop the resistance and there will be no security for the Zionists in the Palestinian land.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Thursday from “Shahab” news agency, Hazem Qassem, the spokesman of the Hamas movement, said: “The operations of the revolutionary youth in the West Bank against the soldiers and settlers of the occupying regime, the last of which was the car chase operation in the west of Ramallah, contains a clear message that there will be no security for the occupiers in the Palestinian land, and these operations will continue until the will continue to occupy our land and attack our sanctuaries.”

He pointed out that the intensification of the resistance in the West Bank proves that the resistance is increasing its presence and influence and that the occupying regime will not be able to stop it despite all its crimes.

Hazem Qassem also emphasized: In addition to the heroic confrontation of young fighters in Nablus, this operation proves the resistance’s ability to move from defense to attack and surprise the army of the occupying regime at unexpected times and places.

“Mohammed Hamadeh”, the spokesman of Hamas in Quds city, also emphasized that the operation west of Ramallah was in the framework of the direct implementation of the resistance’s promise to hit the security system of the occupying regime and expose its fragility.

Hamadeh said: The occupiers will pay for the crime against our people by taking the lives of their soldiers and settlers, and our resistance will advance in any way to bring the victory closer and achieve the freedom of the Palestinian nation.

Read more:

The fear of Gaza’s resistance has created psychological problems for the Zionist military

The Palestinian resistance committees also announced in a statement: the intensification of heroic operations in a part of our blessed land confirms the failure and inability of the Zionist enemy to confront the resistance and heroes of our nation, and this resistance has challenged the enemy and its security institutions.

In this regard, “Talal Abu Zarifah”, a member of the political office of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, also emphasized: Today, the occupiers paid a heavy price for the crime of their settlers who stormed the tomb of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in Nablus under the cover of the army.

He said: “The enemy paid the price of this crime by exploding a bomb on the path of its soldiers in Nablus and also the anti-Zionist operation in Ramallah.”

Abu Zarifah continued: The more the enemy commits crimes against our people, land and sanctuaries, the higher the price will be and he will not succeed in stopping or suppressing the resistance.

These statements were made after news sources announced this morning that the passenger of a car ran over some Zionists in Beit Sira area west of Ramallah in the West Bank.

Zionist news sources announced that this operation resulted in the injury of three Zionists and one of them died due to the severity of the injury.

Contradictory news has also been reported about the fate of the operator of the operation, and some have announced that he escaped from the place, and some Zionist media have reported that he was martyred.

The conditions of these days in the occupied territories due to the deep differences that have arisen between the extreme cabinet of “Benyamin Netanyahu” and the opposite faction due to the approval of the judicial bill have expanded to the extent that it has brought the Zionist regime to the point of collapse.

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