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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Official denial of fake news about the $ 2 million donation of the daughter of martyr Soleimani to marriages in Lebanon

Recently, a number of websites and individuals known for their opposition to and hostility to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran have claimed that a document indicating financial support for General Haj Qassem Soleimani‘s daughter was leaked to Lebanon, which is fundamentally false.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, according to these individuals and the media, a picture of a Hezbollah executive council document was released on Friday showing Qassem Soleimani’s daughter, Zainab, allocating $ 2 million to help Lebanese girls marry.

But Hezbollah’s executive council, in a statement strongly rejecting the allegations, wrote that the move was made by black chambers that have a definite position.

According to the statement, the documents were distorted and a collection of baseless news was collected in order to take revenge on Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The statement said: This happened when the Americans and their Israeli and Arab tools made all the accusations of money laundering, smuggling and intimidation against Hezbollah, and to no avail.

According to the report, the move follows the release of another baseless documentary claiming that efforts are underway to change Yemen’s (demographic) demographics through cross-border marriages.

Read more: Baghdad’s proposal to create a strong economic bloc with the participation of Iran, Iraq and Turkey: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15574

According to the statement, the weakness and fragility of these ridiculous documents and the inexperience of their creators become even more apparent when they do not distinguish between the term Islamic Resistance Movement, which Hezbollah has never used, and the Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hezbollah.

The statement said: After the publication of such forgeries by famous Saudi accounts and some rational media personalities and the appearance of the falsity of these forgeries, the operative side of this operation expanded its circle of attacks and resorted to deeper lies in a way that no human mind except the princes. The harem was the publication of a forged document claiming that Ms. Zeinab Qassem Soleimani had donated $ 2 million to Hezbollah’s social services.

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