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Moscow: American media ignores Biden’s mental decline

Pak Sahafat – The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the American media ignores the fact that the mental capacity of the President of the United States is deteriorating.

According to Pak Sahafat International News Agency, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that the American media ignores the reality of the deteriorating mental capacity of the President of the United States, Joe Biden.

This senior Russian diplomat said in an exclusive interview with the Russian channel “Rasha Today”: Biden does not respond properly to some questions in public appearances. Or he doesn’t react at all to what he is told or asked. He gets confused about those in front of him.

The interviewer brought up the issue of Biden’s health and said that Biden is facing some problems that are probably related to his old age; Zakharova denied the connection of this issue with age and said “an old man can be reasonable and a young man and physically, it can be slow minded.

While confirming Biden’s high political experience at the age of 80, he said that people around him should carefully manage his actions in public and the situation may be even more serious in a private situation.

Read more:

The American media questioned Biden’s mental health

The spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry added: Unfortunately, it happens to people. But when the leader of the United States…sees a dead person in the audience, it’s scary. Zakharova was apparently referring to an incident in late September when Biden asked during a speech where Congressman Jackie Walrowski was deceased. This was despite the fact that this American lawmaker had died in a car accident the month before.

Biden’s supporters reject doubts about his mental readiness to assume the presidency in the second term, which he announced his candidacy. If Biden wins, he will be 86 years old at the end of two presidential terms. Referring to these people, Zakharova said: they should be honest with themselves about the situation and at least not be afraid to talk about it.

The 80-year-old American president is still the biggest hope of the Democrats in the upcoming elections against the Republicans, but his physical and mental condition has become a cause of concern among some members of this party.

Since the beginning of the presidency, the verbal and behavioral slips of this veteran politician, which is interpreted as a gaffe, gained more momentum, and in March 2021, two months after entering the White House, the American president three times while climbing the stairs of Air Force One (The US presidential plane crashed).

Joe Biden’s gaffes have repeatedly caused him to be ridiculed online, and at the same time, they have provided good fodder for Republicans led by Donald Trump, who want to use it to their political advantage. During the 2020 campaign, Trump called Biden “Sleepy Joey” and said, “This guy doesn’t know where he is. He does not know whether he is alive (or dead).

“Daily Signal”, a conservative American news website, wrote in a report on July 20 that even US President Joe Biden’s media allies seem to finally acknowledge the deterioration of his situation. This website cited the “Paltico” report, in which some changes in Biden’s habits were discussed according to his age.

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