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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Forced enrollment of thousands of American high school students in military training courses

Pak Sahafat – The American publication New York Times revealed in a report that the education authorities of the United States of America have enrolled thousands of high school students in the military training courses of the army without the consent of their families.

According to the Pak Sahafat News Agency, from Yahoo News, according to the New York Times, The US Army has implemented an optional training course called “Civil Skills, Discipline and Values” to familiarize high school students with military careers.

Despite this, high school students are required to register and attend these courses, and school authorities do not even accept their parents’ requests to remove this so-called optional unit.

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This plan has been implemented in 3,500 high schools in the United States, and retired military personnel are responsible for teaching the curriculum of this unit.

To attend the class of this “military education unit”, students are required to wear uniforms and wear military hats and obey the orders of the military instructor without question.

The New York Times continued to write in its report that the vast majority of students enrolled in this compulsory course are people of color and from low-income families in the American society.

Following the popular protests of the 1970s in America, these courses were abolished in the country’s high schools and most of the educational centers stopped enrolling in this military training course.

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