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Disclosure of a regional coalition document including the Zionist regime, the United States and several Arab countries in the Persian Gulf

Pak Sahafat – Israel’s official television network (KAN) revealed in a report that Israel, the United States and several Gulf states drafted a document to establish a “regional strategic alliance” in the Middle East three years before the 2020 normalization agreement.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency report on Friday from the Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed website, the Kahn network said in a report that the drafting of this document was the result of negotiations between the two US military institutions, Israel and a number of countries in the Persian Gulf, between 2017 and 2018.

Ram Yuni, then commander of the Israeli Army’s “Strategic Battalion,” said that a “written document and text” had been drafted as a result of the talks.

According to Yoni, the talks between the US and Israeli teams and representatives of several Gulf states were not limited to the military level, but also took place at the political level of the negotiating foreign ministries.

He added that the document was signed before the so-called “Ibrahim” (normalization of relations) agreement, and that the negotiations went so far as to establish a joint headquarters between Israel and these Arab countries.

Yoni added that these documents, of course, remained in the form of generalities and ideas, and so far no action has been taken to implement them.

In an interview with Israel Hume on Thursday, US Secretary of State Thomas Needs claimed that Biden, during his visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel next month, would urge Riyadh and Tel Aviv to establish and expand a “regional security framework”.

The Zionist newspaper “Israel Hume” wrote in an interview with the US ambassador that the establishment of a regional security framework and union does not mean the normalization of Saudi relations with Israel and only creates a mechanism for security cooperation between them.

Read more:

Normalization of Saudi Arabia and Israel from the Internet Gateway / Zionist Media Satisfaction with Bin Salman’s Remarks

Israel Hume added that members of the security union, which will be announced during Biden’s visit with the participation of Israel and the United States, include Egypt, Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan and Sudan.

The Israeli publication noted that Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz was behind the idea of ​​forming a regional security council and that he had discussed it with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during his recent visit to Washington.

On the eve of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Riyadh and the Occupied Territories, the Zionist regime recently claimed that Arab countries along with the regime share common concerns about Iran.

Gili Cohen, a political affairs correspondent for the official Israeli state television (KAN), also claimed last Wednesday that there are contacts for the formation of a formal security forum between Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as between a number of Arab countries that are working on the issue of regional defense in the Persian Gulf and, of course, the issue of Iran.

Cohen added: From what I have heard from senior Israeli officials, it seems that the announcement of the formation of this Security Council is during the visit of US President Biden to Israel and the announcement of its formation may be either in Israel or in Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement that Israel appreciates Biden for its efforts to strengthen common interests with Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan has previously claimed that normalizing relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv would be of great benefit to both sides, and that the entire region would benefit greatly from the process.

The official Saudi news agency (WAS) said in a statement that the US President’s visit to Saudi Arabia will take place on July 15 and 16 (July 24 and 25) at the invitation of Salman bin Abdulaziz to strengthen historical ties and excellent strategic cooperation between the two countries.

A White House spokesman confirmed in a statement that President Joe Biden’s visit to the Occupied Territories, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia was scheduled for July 13-16.

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