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Monday, June 17, 2024

Britain’s secrecy in disclosing the details of the trade agreement with the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – The British government announced that it will not make public the details of the trade agreement with the Zionist regime, which is supposed to increase trade between the two sides by 5 billion pounds.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the spokesperson of the British Ministry of International Trade claimed that it is not appropriate to publish the details of this agreement due to its difference from other post-Brexit trade agreements.

He claimed: “The Free Trade Agreement with Israel will strengthen our trading relationship and increase UK services exports to Israel by £78 million.”

This speaker said: As the UK-Israel negotiations focus on strengthening specific sectors for which demand is growing rapidly, it is not appropriate to use the same modeling as the trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand.

The deal is said to focus on increasing the export of British services to occupied Palestine, including things like financial services and consulting on the construction of the new Tel Aviv metro.

According to the report of the National Statistics Center of this country, the volume of British trade relations with Israel was 596 million pounds in the last quarter of 2022, which shows a decrease of 155 million pounds compared to the same period last year.

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Anti-Israel figures in Britain emphasized the destruction of the Zionist regime

The British government, as one of the main supporters of the Zionist regime, is under public pressure from this country to sanction commercial relations with Tel Aviv in response to the crimes committed against the oppressed people of Palestine.

This is while the former British government planned to move the embassy of this country to the occupied Jerusalem in a controversial move aligned with former US President Donald Trump.

Liz Truss, the former Prime Minister of England, made this promise last September in a meeting with his Zionist counterpart and called himself a great Zionist.

He also said that he understands the importance of the position of the British Embassy in occupied Palestine and ensures that this decision is implemented.

This decision of his faced a lot of criticism inside, and prominent political figures and civil groups warned about its legal consequences. With the collapse of the Terrace government, Rishi Sunak backed away from this decision and announced that his government had no plans in this regard.

Hossam Zamlat, the Palestinian ambassador in England, says: We call on the British government to play an active role, recognize the state of Palestine, confirm the UK’s support for the rights of Palestinian refugees, ban all illegal goods and products from settling in the occupied territories and the companies that work in them and benefit from them to boycott.

He pointed out: Full and equal implementation of international laws is the only way to establish a stable and just peace.

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