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America on the brink of armed violence; Supreme Court ruling on the freedom to bear arms in public places

Pak Sahafat – The US Supreme Court on Thursday repealed the New York-based gun law, which was enacted more than a century ago, while the country is on the brink of unbridled armed violence and mass shootings.

The gun attack law passed in New York about a century ago imposed restrictions on the secret carrying of weapons outside the home, which has now been overturned by the US Supreme Court.

The reversal comes as New York City witnesses mass killings and shootings, most notably the killing of 10 blacks at a New York Buffalo grocery store who were murdered by a racist 18-year-old white man.

The Supreme Court ruling is reportedly the most important decision on gun rights in the United States in more than a decade. In 2008, the US Supreme Court first recognized the right of individuals to keep firearms at home for self-defense.

Clarence Thomas, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, said: Since New York State only issues public firearms licenses when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the state’s arms licensing regime violates the Constitution.

This is the first time the US Supreme Court has ruled that carrying weapons in public is a right of the American people. This ruling is a victory for arms advocates in a country where there is intense disagreement over how to deal with armed violence.

Clarence Thomas, who drafted the ruling, said the US Constitution “protects the right of individuals to bear arms for self-defense outside the home.”

He added: We do not recognize any other legal right for a person to carry a weapon in public only after demonstrating special needs to government officials.

The US Supreme Court justice continued: The restrictions imposed by New York are unconstitutional because they “prevent lawful citizens from carrying and carrying weapons in self-defense.”

The ruling was reportedly upheld by six conservative judges, while three other judges, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer, liberal Supreme Court justices, opposed the ruling.

In his opposition to the ruling, Breyer noted that armed violence in the United States has claimed a significant number of lives this year.

He said: Since the beginning of this year (2022) alone, 277 mass shootings have been reported, averaging more than one per day.

Read more:

America on the brink of armed violence; More than 8,000 killed and 15,000 injured in just 5 months

The decision was quickly condemned by New York officials, including Democratic Gov. Katie Hookul.

Following the ruling, New York Mayor Eric Adams said he would consider other ways to restrict gun access, including tightening the application process for firearms and banning guns in certain locations.

There have been at least 63 mass shootings across the United States since a May 14 racist attack on a Buffalo grocery store in New York that killed 10 blacks and arrested an 18-year-old white teen, according to the Armed Violence Archive.

This means that there are two mass shootings per day in the country, including the May 24 shooting at Rob Elementary School in Yovaldi, Texas, in which 19 students and two teachers were killed.

In the past year, mass shootings in the United States have left more than 19,000 dead and more than 37,000 injured, according to the agency.

In the past five years, more than 95,000 people in the United States have lost their lives in shootings and 186,000 others have been injured.

The gun permit law is one of the most controversial laws in the United States. Many people are calling for tougher arms controls and restrictions, while others say no law should jeopardize Americans’ right to bear arms.

Biden is calling for amendments to the U.S. gun law, which is the second amendment to the US Constitution.

In addition to the legitimacy of the US Constitution and the strong support of the National Weapons Association (NRA) lobby in the United States, which influences most Republicans, experts say gun ownership is part of American culture and out of control.

CNN reported in a report on the 3rd of Bahman 1400: for every 100 Americans, there are an incredible 120 firearms, which is unbelievable for the world.

The US Armed Violence Archive reported that as of June 2, 2022, more than 8,000 people had been killed and more than 15,000 injured in gun violence in the United States.

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