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Zionist economy, the first victim of Israel’s extreme right

Pak Sahafat – While most Zionists are concerned with the security implications of Netanyahu’s far-right cabinet, experts and investors in occupied Palestine warn about the destruction of Israel’s economy as a result of the new cabinet’s actions.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat International News Agency, the recent developments in occupied Palestine show that the consequences of the far-right power of the Zionist regime for Israelis are not limited to security issues and have affected other aspects of Zionist life as well.

The significant changes that the far-right Israeli cabinet headed by “Benjamin Netanyahu” has brought about in various institutions, especially the judicial system of the Zionist regime, have shown their negative effects very soon, not only in political and social aspects, but beyond that, and to the arteries of this regime is its economy.

The Zionists have always been proud that they have one of the most advanced economies in the world and that they can have a large amount of exports with a low labor force and also attract 27 billion dollars of foreign investment annually.

But after the new laws and changes in the judicial structure of the Zionist regime, many warnings have been addressed to Netanyahu by the owners of advanced technology companies of this regime, and they have warned about the dangers of changes in the judicial structure on the stability of the technology market and the attraction of foreign investments.

According to the economic experts of the Zionist regime, the lack of trust in the Israeli judicial system and the violation of basic human rights discourage foreign investors, most of who are from America and Europe, from continuing to invest in Israel (Occupied Palestine); a problem that will hinder the growth and prosperity of Israel’s technology industry.

On the other hand, the advanced technology sector of the Zionist regime is intertwined with many industrial and service sectors of this regime, the most important of which is the banking sector. Therefore, the withdrawal of technology companies from occupied Palestine has a negative impact on Israel’s foreign transfers and its bank credit rating; as during the past weeks, some companies and investment funds announced that they have transferred their assets from the occupied lands to accounts in European countries.

In this context, the senior officials of the Zionist banks, including “Uri Levin”, the executive director of the “Discount” bank, warned Netanyahu that the recent developments and the huge outflow of capital cannot be ignored, so this process must be stopped and a solution must be found soon. Amir Yaron, the supervisor of the Central Bank of the Zionist regime, also warned in a private meeting with Netanyahu about the negative effects of the changes made by his cabinet in various institutions, especially the judicial system, on the Israeli economy.

Read more:

Netanyahu’s one-man war against Israel!

The owners of advanced industries in Occupied Palestine believe that the new laws and changes in the judiciary have caused all power to be in the hands of the cabinet and in a way all powers have been merged together and come under the control of the executive branch, and this means the end of the independence of the judiciary.

But after the far-rights gained power, the situation has changed from the past, and the members of Netanyahu’s cabinet, especially the Haredi, have shown with their recent actions and behaviors that they are seeking to impose their control over all social, political, economic patterns, etc.

Ashkenazis believe that Netanyahu intends to create an opportunity to escape from his corruption cases by making changes in Israel’s judicial structure and to change the government system of this regime, which has begun by weakening Israel’s Supreme Court.

According to Zionist circles and experts, Israel’s economic and social structure will certainly receive the first blow from the recent moves of Netanyahu’s cabinet. The evidence shows that the power of the secular class and the Ashkenazis of Israel is eroding, and therefore the Ashkenazis sent a message to Netanyahu to warn him not to shake his alliance with them.

The result of a poll on Channel 12 of the Zionist regime shows that 54 percent of Israelis are worried about the negative consequences of the new cabinet’s actions on the Israeli economy. Interestingly, 25% of Netanyahu’s supporters have the same opinion.

Recently, an Israeli professor named “Daniel Kahneman”, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics, said in a conversation with the regime’s 12 TV channel: The process of fleeing businessmen and capital owners from the occupied territories continues at a high speed, and they are withdrawing their money from Tel Aviv banks and moving to live in other parts of the world, this is a fatal blow to the Israeli economy, especially considering the continuous drop in value.

On the other hand, a few days ago, Tom Livoni, the owner of the largest high-tech company in the occupied territories, whose personal wealth is estimated at two billion dollars, announced in an interview with Zionist TV that he would stop paying taxes and asked other capitalists to do the same.

He said that he has decided to emigrate from Israel (Occupied Palestine) and close his offices in this land and plans to move to one of the European countries; Because Israel does not have a stable and stable situation and its economy is expected to collapse very quickly.

In this context, the Hebrew website Ibrawala reported that Israeli economic experts believe that the brain drain, the reduction of Israel’s credit rating and the flight of foreign investments will be the first consequences of the actions of Netanyahu’s cabinet members.

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