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Monday, June 10, 2024

Will Biden finish his presidency?

Joe Biden’s poor performance along with signs that he is mentally and physically unfit to perform his duties as the President of the United States have raised questions about his remaining in power.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – International Group: US President Joe Biden‘s implied hint that he is suffering from cancer, along with the continuous process of decreasing his popularity and the revelation of evidence of his mental and cognitive decline in the past weeks, has highlighted this question among Americans; Will he finally finish his four years in the White House or not?

For example, a few days ago, the former White House doctor said in an interview with Fox News that he thinks Biden will not complete his first term due to his mental incompetence. “Biden’s situation is getting worse and worse as time goes by,” he said.

Ronnie Jackson, who has been a physician in the White House during three US presidents, said that the effects of aging are getting worse and worse with time. Forgetfulness, psychomotor slowness, disorientation and low mood are signs that Jackson believes may force Biden to step down early.

Last year, the Norwegian psychiatrist “Fred Hagen” by examining the behaviors and statements of the US presidential candidate Joe Biden announced in public circles that Biden’s cognitive disorders show that he probably suffers from dementia.

Of course, these perceptions are not limited to expert and specialized circles in America and the results of polls show that many citizens have similar expectations about Biden. The I&I polling center recently showed that only 21 percent of adults believe that he will remain president for the next two and a half years.

Biden’s performance also clearly shows his inefficiency, the scandal of leaving Afghanistan, unprecedented inflation, the increase in gasoline prices, the inability to fulfill promises to control border issues, the escalation of violent crimes, and the war in Ukraine, the failure to return to the Iran nuclear agreement and… Only Part of his administration’s failures in his 19 months in the White House.

All of these factors have caused whispers to be heard whether he should stay in power or leave the White House with an excuse. Time magazine recently wrote that senior members of the Democratic Party admit in private circles that the public has lost confidence in Biden’s leadership. “What people have failed to see is having a comprehensive plan,” a senior Biden administration official told TIME on condition of anonymity.

However, the more important problem that preoccupies the minds of Democrats is that Biden’s replacement will be in an even worse situation than him if he steps down.

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Former ambassador of the Zionist regime: Biden’s trip to Israel failed

If Biden leaves power, according to American law, power should be transferred to his deputy Kamla Harris. The 25th Amendment of the US Constitution allows the Vice President to take his place if the President is unable to perform his duties, for example due to physical or mental problems.

If such a process is to be keyed, Kamla Harris and most of the cabinet members should sign a letter addressed to the presidents of the House of Representatives and the Senate and declare that Biden is not qualified to govern or able to handle the responsibilities and duties related to his position.

After that, Kamla Harris will automatically take over, although Biden will have the opportunity to respond in writing to such a request. In case of objection by the President, the final decision will be up to the Congress.

Congress can impeach the president only if two-thirds of the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives agree to his impeachment. The vice president will assume the duties of the president until the result of the vote in the congress is determined.

In the latest poll of Kamla Harris’s approval rating (five days ago), only 39 percent of likely voters said they were satisfied with his performance, and 53 percent said they had a very unfavorable opinion of the vice president. In some polls, Kamla Harris’s approval rating is even lower than 30%.

The negative comments towards the vice president especially intensified when he avoided answering a question in an interview with NBC News about why he has not yet visited the US-Mexico border. In that interview, the NBC anchor asked: “Do you have any plans to visit the border areas?”

Harris replied: “We are going to visit the border.” And then she repeated this sentence in a strange voice as if her wires had made a connection: “We have been at the border; therefore, this border issue, we have been at the border. We have been on the border.”

The presenter rightly noted: “You haven’t been to the frontier,” Harris said suddenly, “and I haven’t been to Europe either; I mean, I don’t get your point.” And then there was hysterical laughter.

For these reasons, there seems to be a perception among Democrats for now that if they ditch the “horrible option” of Joe Biden, they will have to deal with the “even more horrible option” of Kamela Harris in the White House. If this assumption is correct, Biden’s continuation or end in power will depend on whether his performance in the coming months is so poor that he takes Harris’s place as the more formidable option.

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