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Rashatudi: The world is going through the unipolar system and American hegemony

Pak Sahafat – Rashatodi news channel wrote: The idea of ​​a multipolar system has received attention among many big countries such as India and China, and the current reality of the new multipolar world order is gradually progressing and the world is passing from the unipolar system and American hegemony.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, quoting Rashatudi, The policies of Russia in recent years show that the transformation of the current world into a multipolar world has been the basis of the country’s foreign policy doctrine since the 1990s, in which America and its allies will no longer be the world’s only superior power.

The idea of ​​multi-polarity has gained attention among many large countries such as India and China. Even Western experts have not rejected this possibility, and it seems that the current reality of the new multipolar world order is gradually progressing; however, its speed is uneven and asynchronous in different countries.

What we are witnessing today is exactly this asynchronous development. Differences in the rate of change in different parts of the globe lead to friction and resistance. In order to be able to understand the transformation at least to some extent, we must understand the components and dynamics governing it.

The academic concept of polarity in international relations has been used in political circles since the late 1970s, and it was first proposed by Kenneth Waltz, a prominent American political science professor and researcher and one of the students of the school of neorealism, which quickly spread in Russia’s foreign policy after the Soviet Union.

Neorealists argue that the actions of governments in the global arena are not so much related to their interests as defined by the current structure of the world order, which can be unipolar in the past years, bipolar in the Cold War years, and multipolar in recent years, and different countries in such a political system have the most diversification.

Read more:

Burrell: The era of American hegemony is over/Let’s go to the head in a multipolar world

But unlike the neo-realists, in the modern era polarity is not determined by military power. Neorealists intentionally removed factors such as economy or human capital development from the equation of power polarity in the world order, but the experience of the collapse of the Soviet Union showed that such a limited understanding of the governing components of the world order was probably wrong.

The Soviet Union built a significant military capacity, but collapsed due to accumulating economic imbalances and internal problems. The complexity of the modern world requires that indicators other than military power should be considered.

The United States is still ahead of all countries in the world in terms of military spending, but the experience of recent years has shown that the country’s numerous wars in all parts of the world have had and continue to cost the American government and citizens enormously. Of course, the military powers of China and Russia and even India and Japan cannot be ignored. The main issue in today’s multipolar world is human power and social economic capacities.

In the meantime, if Russia and China and other countries of the world want to maintain their international position in the long term, they need large-scale industrial modernization based on different principles. The existing capacity allows Russia to remain a major military power for the foreseeable future, but the crisis in its relations with the West and the conflict in Ukraine will make it very difficult in the long term.

What makes the current world order so complicated is the fact that military capability is not the only weapon at the disposal of states. This is where the asynchronous nature of the world system is most clearly shown. While the world has been militarily multipolar for a long time, this multipolarity is emerging in other issues. China and India still rely on the dollar for financial transactions, but the unipolarity of the dollar is also collapsing and many countries have switched to diversified financial systems.

In the area of ​​digital infrastructure, new hubs are emerging, or at least, big players like Russia and China are breaking away from the Western-centric global digital ecosystem and may soon start exporting their own digital services. The West still has the first say in the space of information and soft power, but despite the conditions governing the countries of the world and the type of relations between them, such power cannot last long.

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