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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Burrell: The era of American hegemony is over/Let’s go to the head in a multipolar world

The head of the European Union’s foreign policy acknowledged in a speech that the era of American hegemony is over and now it is a multipolar world.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, “Joseph Burrell“, the foreign policy official of the European Union, said in an interview with the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel on Thursday: Europe is no longer the decision-maker in the world, and after the start of the war in Ukraine, it feels afraid.

He said: “We live in a multi-polar world, and the time of one-sided hegemony of the United States has come to an end.”

Burrell emphasized: Arab countries now play a geopolitical role through energy and other resources.

Referring to his recent controversial statements, he added: I apologize for the misunderstanding that occurred after saying that Europe is a garden and the rest of the world is a forest.

Burrell also announced about the nuclear negotiations case: We are nearing the end point regarding Iran’s nuclear case.

This European official continued in this regard: Some secondary issues in the Iran nuclear agreement remain unresolved.

In this interview, he repeated the baseless claim of the United States against the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the use of Iranian drones in the conflict in Ukraine and spoke of more sanctions under this pretext and said: The European Union will impose more sanctions against Iran; Because Tehran gives drones to Russia to use against Ukraine.

In another part of his statement about the differences between America and China, Burrell clarified: The confrontation between America and China is in the focus of the world’s attention.

He also emphasized: I understand anti-imperialist sentiments in Latin America and anti-colonial sentiments in Africa.

The EU foreign policy official also said about the war in Ukraine and its consequences for the West, especially in terms of fuel and energy shortages: The war in Ukraine has shifted the conflict from the Indo-Pacific to Europe, and it has driven up food and energy prices around the world.

He emphasized: We have to create strategies to be able to pass the stage of transition to an alternative energy.

Burrell added: The European Union is not a military power, but a set of economic and technical capabilities.

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