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Another holy day and the widespread participation of the world in support of the Palestinian people

Pak Sahafat – People in different parts of the world marched on Al-Quds Day, expressing solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine and condemning the crimes of the occupying Israeli regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency, People in countries around the world, including the United States, Britain, Ireland, China, Japan, Pakistan and Afghanistan, in solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran on Friday demonstrated their solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine by holding a Quds Day rally or march.

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Arab people march on World Al-Quds Day in support of Palestine

New York

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The World Al-Quds Day march was attended by a number of fasting Muslims, civil society and human rights groups, and Jewish anti-Zionist Jewish activists on Friday evening on Broadway in Manhattan, New York.

Anti-Zionist Naturi Karta Jews hoisted the Palestinian flag in the heart of Manhattan, New York.

Holding placards, various groups emphasized the liberation of Palestine and Holy Quds as the first qibla of Muslims and the holy land of the divine religions.


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Orthodox Jewish rabbis supported the anti-Israel Natura Karta movement on Friday in the streets of London to celebrate World Al-Quds Day with the Palestinian flag.

Participants rode an open-air bus with anti-Israel slogans and the Palestinian flag around it, passing through various areas of the city, including tourist sites and government buildings, expressing their support for the liberation of Holy Quds and the Palestinian cause.

They chanted “Death to Israel”, “Long live Palestine”, “Al-Quds Day is a day of support for the Palestinian people” and called for an end to the occupation of Palestine. Jewish rabbis waved the Palestinian flag as the bus passed in front of the British Prime Minister’s Office, shouting “Sanctions on Israel.”

The protest was organized by the British Islamic Human Rights Commission, which coordinates the annual Quds Day march in London.


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The International Day of Quds was celebrated on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan with the participation of Shiites and Iranians living in Ireland in the capital Dublin.

Participants in the protest gathered in Dublin’s main square and chanted anti-Israel slogans condemning the crimes of the Zionist apartheid regime.

They chanted “Death to Israel”, “Palestine must be liberated”, “Red and black and yellow and white (skin) must unite” and chanted slogans in support of the oppressed people of Palestine and condemnation of the occupying regime in Jerusalem. “Zionism is equal to terrorism.”


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Millions of Pakistani Muslims fast on International Al-Quds Day, holding large-scale rallies in Islamabad and other Pakistani cities, chanting anti-American and anti-Zionist slogans, acquitting the Palestinian people of supporting the infamous conspiracy to occupy Jerusalem.

The cities of Pakistan, big and small, from the north to the south of this eastern neighbor of our country, witnessed the enthusiastic presence of the Muslims of this country in the Quds Day marches after Friday prayers.


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Simultaneously with the arrival of the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan; A number of young Afghans in a spontaneous and popular movement by setting up a caravan; While expressing solidarity with the oppressed nation of Palestine, they expressed their anger and hatred for the crimes of the Zionist regime.

Afghan youths carrying Palestinian flags in cars expressed their support for the Palestinian people’s aspiration for the liberation of Holy Quds from the hands of the military to the armed teeth of the Zionist regime.

The faithful and free Afghan youth in Kabul on the Kabul-Parwan road, waving the Palestinian flag, condemned the crimes of the child-killing Israeli regime in killing the oppressed Palestinian people.


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The celebration of World Quds Day was held on Friday in the presence of a group of Chinese citizens who love the Palestinian cause and Iranians living and working at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Beijing.

The event was accompanied by a variety of cultural programs such as poetry readings, speeches, documentaries, anthems and lectures.


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The Friday prayers at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the commemoration of the International Day of Quds in support of the oppression of the Palestinian people were held at the residence of the Iranian ambassador in Tokyo to the Imamate of Hojjatoleslam Savada. In his sermons in Japanese and Persian, he spoke about the oppression of Palestine.

In the first sermon of the prayer in Persian, Hojjatoleslam Savada spoke about self-cultivation and the virtues of the holy month of Ramadan, as well as the plight of the Palestinian people.

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