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Syrian Foreign Minister: Damascus is looking for more relations between Arab countries and Iran

Pak Sahafat – In an interview, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Maqdad once again welcomed the agreement on the normalization of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which was reached in Beijing with the mediation of China, and said: Damascus is looking for more relations between Arab countries and Tehran.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from Russia Ilyum, in an interview with this Russian TV channel on Sunday night, Al-Miqdad mentioned Moscow’s special military operation in Kiev and added: Damascus supports this Russian military operation in Ukraine.

The Syrian Foreign Minister pointed out that the Russian army has achieved great victories in this operation and said: We once again declare our support for Russia’s special military operation.

He emphasized that America and Western countries were the ones who aggravated the situation in this regard and lied in many cases, and this made Moscow take the action that Damascus supports.

The Syrian Foreign Minister also stated that what Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian leadership have done in this regard is worthy of appreciation and respect.

Al-Maqdad further mentioned the relations between Syria and Turkey and said: Damascus will not normalize its relations with Ankara, which has occupied Syrian lands.

He also emphasized that Bashar Assad’s meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan depends on the withdrawal of the country’s forces from Syria.

This Syrian diplomat praised the atmosphere of the Arab summit held recently in Jeddah as positive and said: Syria is committed to the goals of the Arab nation and has made the most sacrifices for the Arab nation.

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Western media reports of Assad’s “warm and sincere” return to the Arab League

He further mentioned the meeting between Assad and Mohammed bin Salman and added: The meeting between the President of Syria and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia at the summit of the Arab countries in Jeddah was very warm and reflects the historical relations that have connected Riyadh and Damascus at different levels.

Al-Maqdad stated that in the past periods there were differences of opinion, although there were also agreements, but the relations did not reach the limit of complete severance, he emphasized: With what the Saudi crown prince said, there is a sense that the future is promising and that relations are back to normal.

The Syrian Foreign Minister also said about the handshake between Bashar al-Assad and Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar at the Jeddah Summit, that we should not go back to the past, we are the children of the present and we must look to the future.

He stated that there may be different observations and evaluations of the conditions of the Arab nation and the relations of the Arab countries, and added: Damascus hopes that the dark clouds that continue to cast a shadow over the relations between Arab countries will disappear.

The Syrian Foreign Minister also said: The Arab League, which was formed in 1946 before the United Nations, is in dire need of the reforms proposed by Bashar al-Assad.

He added: Syria has said and emphasized that it will implement Security Council Resolution 2254 regarding Syria, and this shows that it is looking for a political solution to end terrorism and Western sanctions.

The Syrian Foreign Minister continued addressing the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan and said: Return to your country and Syria is ready to welcome all its children.

He also added regarding the attacks of the Zionist regime on Syria: the reasons for the bombing of Syria by Israeli regime are lies and illusions, and I warn Tel Aviv about these crimes of aggression.

In the end, Al-Maqdad said that Damascus is counting on the Arab countries to stand by Syria in this regard, and emphasized: America, (regime) Israel and their agents in the region want evil and evil for the Arab region.

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