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Sunday, June 16, 2024

China demanded the immediate and unconditional lifting of sanctions against Syria

Pak Sahafat – China called on the US and other countries accompanying it in imposing sanctions against Syria to immediately and unconditionally stop all sanctions against Russia and prevent the increase of human tragedies in this country.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Wednesday, quoting from China’s Global Times news site, Dai Bing, the permanent representative of China in the UN Security Council, with a brief explanation about the situation in Syria, called on the countries to immediately and unconditionally lift the sanctions against Syria.

Read more:

Nationwide demonstrations of Syrian students and children protesting the cruel US sanctions

He further added that the imposition of illegal unilateral sanctions over the years has affected people’s livelihood and economic situation and has weakened the country’s ability to deal with disasters.

American forces continue to loot Syrian oil by transporting this country’s oil to Iraq with 34 tankers. At the same time, the victims of the Syrian earthquake in some areas are still facing the problems of lack of fuel for heating. This powerful earthquake shook Syria on February 6.

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