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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ansarullah Leader: Iran’s position towards the Islamic Ummah is “responsible and commendable.”

The Yemeni Ansarullah leader noted that the United States wanted to dominate the destiny and wealth of Arab and Islamic countries under the pretext of 9/11, and said that Iran and the Resistance Front had always stood firm in their opposition to US hegemony and the Zionist regime.

Yemeni Ansar al-Houthi leader Sayyid Abdul Malik Badruddin al-Houthi said today that the United States relied on 9/11 as an excuse to dominate the fortunes and fortunes of Arab and Islamic countries.

He added: The Americans and the Israelis at that time tried to erase and destroy the Arab and Islamic identity. Opposite the United States were the Resistance Front and Iran, which stood firm in their opposition to US and Israeli sovereignty and hegemony.

The Yemeni Ansarullah leader noted: The “fight against terrorism” was an excuse for US involvement in the cultural, intellectual, media, political, and economic spheres at all levels.

The most important points of the speech of the Yemeni Ansarullah leader are as follows:

In the face of the American-Zionist attack, Sayyid Hussein al-Houthi began shouting against the arrogant.

Despite the limited resources, Sayyid Hussein al-Houthi shouted at a time when our nation was facing American dangers and attacks.

The purpose of shouting at the arrogant was to “transfer our nation from indifference to a sense of responsibility in the face of confrontation with the United States.”

People’s mobilization is necessary to strengthen the domestic scene and reject any surrender to American domination, and it must be freed from standing by the American and Israeli enemies and being mercenaries for it.

Like Iran, we must support the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance

As Iran and Syria did, everyone must show the greatest support for the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance.

The regimes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are openly pursuing the Arab and Islamic ummah to surrender and loyalty to the United States and Israel and to be hostile to the resistance.

The Lebanese and Palestinian resistances prevented the Zionists from encroaching

The factor that prevented the Israeli enemy from invading and advancing to other countries was the resistance of Palestine and before that the resistance of Lebanon.

Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance are successful examples that have no Arab or Islamic support in Iran and Syria except the Islamic Republic.

The takfiri conspiracy that targeted Syria and Hezbollah and the Iraqi people was a battle in the service of the United States and Israel.

The successive victories of the resistance in the Gaza Strip are important and have very clear signs and messages.

The Saudi and Emirati media appeared in a position against the Palestinian resistance

The Saudi and Emirati media appeared in a position against the Palestinian resistance, as if they were affiliated with and following the Israeli enemy.

In the Battle of the Sword of Quds, the Saudi and Emirati media spoke out against the resistance and sought to reduce the resistance.

The attempt to normalize some Arab regimes is to serve Zionism

Some regimes and governments are trying to normalize their relations with Israel, even at the cultural level, and this is in the service of Zionism and their domination of the Arab and Islamic ummah in all areas and fields.

The Zionists are trying to end the severance of political relations by establishing official relations with the Arab countries.

The Israeli enemy is trying to get through the sanctions situation at all levels, including economic sanctions.

The Yemeni people do not give up their independence and dignity

The Yemeni people do not relinquish their right to freedom, independence, dignity and dignity, and they also do not relinquish the right of all Yemenis to get rid of American and Israeli conspiracies.

When the Yemeni people chanted “Death to America” ​​and “Death to Israel”, it means that they are actually moving towards confronting the American and Israeli conspiracies.

Why Nasrallah was affected by Yemeni aid to Palestine

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah in Lebanon, is affected by the Yemeni people’s help to the Palestinians because they know that this help is being provided in the most difficult situation that our people are facing.

We emphasize our steadfastness in confronting the enemies and standing against the enemy and cooperating with the axis of resistance to strengthen and consolidate as much as possible its efforts in this field.

Iran’s position towards the Islamic Ummah is “responsible.”

The honorable position of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the oppressed nations of the Islamic and Arab ummah is a responsible and commendable position.

We will be ready with all the facilities and power within the framework of the resistance axis and within the framework of the Quds equation in the field.

Ansarullah is part of the regional equation of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah

We emphasize that we are an integral part of the equation announced by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah … The equation that emphasizes the threat to Jerusalem means “regional war” within the framework of the axis of resistance.

We want an end to the aggression and an end to the siege of the Yemeni people

The aggressor forces (the Saudi aggressor coalition) did not give any concessions, and what we want is to stop the aggression and end the siege. Peace is achieved by stopping aggression and ending the siege and occupation.

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