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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ansarullah member: Riyadh is not serious about stopping the war in Yemen

Criticizing the Saudis’ lack of seriousness in stopping the war against the Yemeni people, a member of the Yemeni Supreme Political Council said that the recent Riyadh plan was for propaganda purposes only.

Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council and one of the leaders of the Ansarullah movement, said that Sanaa had not officially received any plans from Saudi Arabia.

Al-Houthi told Russia’s Sputnik news agency that the plan was only announced in the media and would be sent to Sanaa first if there was any seriousness in the matter.

He added that the plan was not officially announced to Yemen, indicating that Saudi Arabia is not serious about stopping its attacks and aggression against Yemen.

The Ansarullah leader noted that the Saudis should have sent the plan to the Yemeni government before announcing it, waiting for a response, not just a media one.

Al-Houthi emphasized: “We support the ceasefire, the cessation of aggression and the defeat of the siege, not in the form of the media, but we want practical positions.”

Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan said Monday evening that the reopening of Sanaa Airport would be limited and pressure on the port of Al-Hudaidah would be reduced, according to Riyadh’s alleged initiative.

Bin Farhan claimed that Saudi Arabia was seeking a ceasefire in Yemen in the initiative, provided that the government of national salvation, of which Ansarullah is a part, agreed to it.

Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen enters its seventh year as Riyadh, according to the United Nations, has stoned to death in more than five rounds of Yemeni talks in Kuwait, Oman and Jordan.

Sanaa Airport has been bombed for the past six years and has come under heavy coalition siege. The Saudi coalition has banned any entry or exit to the airport without the permission of the Saudi coalition. The move comes as the Coalition in the Stockholm Agreement (2018) pledged to reduce the siege of the airport for humanitarian flights. This promise of the Saudi coalition has not been fulfilled so far.

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