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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Zionist expert: Israel is in its darkest and worst decade

Pak Sahafat – A Zionist expert, referring to the consequences of the return of Netanyahu and other far-rights to the regime’s power, announced that Israel is now in its darkest and worst decade.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, after the far-right parties of the Zionist regime led by “Benyamin Netanyahu” returned to power, many warnings have been raised in Israel’s domestic and foreign circles about the negative consequences of the right-wing cabinet’s approach on the lives of Zionists.

In this context, a Zionist expert warned about the consequences of Israel’s numerous crises in the past decade, which continuously hit this regime and deepen the gap in the Zionist society and expose Israel to collapse.

Ephraim Ganor, an expert on security and military affairs of the Zionist regime, announced in an article published in Maariv newspaper that this decade is considered one of the darkest and most difficult periods in Israel’s political and social history, during which Israel faced a “leadership crisis”. .

This Zionist expert continued, “Benjamin Netanyahu”, the head of the Likud party, who is now in charge of forming the new Israeli cabinet, has been continuously occupying the post of prime minister from 2009 to 2021, and the leadership crisis for Israel that clearly showed itself in this decade for the first time. It appeared when “Ehud Olmert”, the prime minister of Israel at the time, was convicted of accepting bribes, fraud and corruption, as well as “Moshie Katsaf”, the eighth president of Israel, was convicted of rape, heinous acts and sexual harassment.

He continued, but what fueled this black image of Israel are the 3 obvious crimes mentioned in the indictment against Benjamin Netanyahu, and his and his party’s victory in the elections means that the fire of hatred between the two camps (right and left).

Read more:

Ma’ariv: The last decade was the darkest decade in Israel’s history/ The end of Israel is near

This Zionist analyst continued, the shaky elections that Israelis have experienced during the last decade contributed a lot to deepening the social divide between them and put Israel on the brink of civil war. Meanwhile, the war with the Gaza Strip in 2021, when Netanyahu was in power, made relations with the Arabs living in the 1948 territories much worse than before and exposed them to explosion.

He clarified that, in this situation, Netanyahu should be tried on charges of corruption, but despite all this, he was once again elected as the prime minister in the 25th Knesset elections, and he is going to form a right-wing cabinet.

In the end, this Israeli expert said, the mentioned information shows that the picture of this decade will become much darker and more worrying for Israel. Many who have been in Israel’s wars or joined the military and shouldered the burden of the challenges will understand why this phase is Israel’s darkest decade.

After the return of the right-wing parties of the Zionist regime to the field of power, there are concerns about the consequences of this right-wing policy led by Netanyahu and people like Itmar Ben Jafir (an extreme member of the Knesset) on the future of the Israeli regime; So that a group of Israelis believe that these extreme movements lead to the acceleration of the destruction of Israel from within, and this issue will deepen the divide and disagreement in the Zionist society.

Last July, when there were whispers of the collapse of the coalition cabinet of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, the Israelis declared in a survey conducted by the Hebrew media that they are worried about the return of Netanyahu, Ben Jafir and other Israeli right-wing parties to power; Because this issue, in addition to the expansion of internal disputes, also endangers the future of Israel. so that as a result of their extreme policies, they may bring Israelis into war with Palestinian groups and the Gaza Strip; A subject that millions of Israelis are afraid of.

At that time, Zionist experts also announced that they were worried about creating a civil war and returning to a period similar to the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

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