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Monday, June 17, 2024

Zionist Cabinet Officer: it is time for Netanyahu to leave

A spokesman for the Zionist regime’s cabinet acknowledged that the people of occupied Palestine had not achieved anything in the recent conflict, adding that it was time for the prime minister to leave.

The Palestinian news agency Shahab quoted Lapid as tweeting: “The settlers – especially the residents [settlements] around Gaza – were subjected to heavy rocket fire and, in return, did not gain or change.”

“Netanyahu‘s failures have spread from Maroon (referring to the Zionist massacre on Mount Maroon) to Gaza and from [Al-Aqsa Mosque] to Led (referring to the Palestinian demonstrations in Led),” the Zionist cabinet official continued. “It’s time for him to leave.”

According to the report, Lieberman said the fire was “another defeat for Netanyahu.” He added: “Hamas is in a position to threaten Israel because of the former cabinet’s appeasement of the movement. Ceasefire can reinforce this.

Itmar Ibn Ghafir also said in this regard: “Netanyahu can no longer be supported after the ceasefire agreement. The inhabitants of the south are strong and determined; “Unfortunately, this is not the case with the Israeli cabinet. I am ashamed of the Israeli cabinet and I believe that the fire is [as] spitting in the faces of the people of the south.”

Clashes between Palestinian resistance groups and the Zionist regime began on Monday, May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need to end the attacks in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this conflict that lasted until this morning (Friday), the Zionist regime, in its attacks on residential areas, killed Palestinian women and children, and Palestinian resistance groups in response to these crimes targeted the positions of this regime. They launched a massive rocket attack, and the Iron Dome system failed to intercept many of them.

Yesterday evening, after some news sources reported about the possibility of a ceasefire, the Zionist regime’s security cabinet officially agreed to a ceasefire and a ceasefire mediated by Egypt.

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