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Yemeni life under the shadow of Saudi bombing / the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with the support of the West

The attacks of the Saudi-Emirati coalition on Yemen with the support of Western countries, including the United States, have caused the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – In 2015, a coalition of Saudi-led nations, with the support of the US and British governments, began bombing and besieging Yemen.

According to ajahaf, the United States and Britain support the Saudi coalition and continue to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia.

After 7 years of war, living under attacks, under shelling, under siege, has become commonplace for Yemeni citizens.

It has become normal for the Yemeni people to hear the sound of planes, the sound of air strikes; they are only worried about the children when they hear these sounds; they are afraid of how these sounds will affect children.

When a few days pass and the Yemenis do not hear the sound of the planes, they are surprised; Imagine the situation, for more than 7 years, if a day passes without hearing the sound of an air strike, then the sound of planes flying can be heard.

For example, there have been recent airstrikes on Sanaa Airport; although the attack took place in the morning while the people were asleep, it was normal for the Yemenis; Living under airstrikes has become commonplace.

As you know, a few days ago, several airstrikes were carried out in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, one of which targeted the Tele Yemen building in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

It was an attack on the ministry building and an attack that targeted a densely populated residential area, an area where many people live.

Life has become very, very difficult for Yemeni citizens; especially in the weeks leading up to Ramadan, when market prices have risen sharply due to the Saudi-led blockade of Yemen; Oil and fuel are also scarce in the country.

Read more: Deadly war in Yemen; Forgotten catastrophe in the midst of international developments: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20641

All these shortcomings are due to the siege; the airstrikes caused a major crisis due to the closure of Sanaa Airport.

Due to the naval blockade, there is currently no oil in Sanaa; the ground blockade has also led to shortages and high prices.

The Yemeni war is not covered in the international media; Even if some media outlets talk a little about it, it is not enough; Silence equals complicity; Millions of people in Yemen have been suffering since March 26, 2015, but the world media has been silent, perhaps because there is a good relationship between their governments and Saudi Arabia.

But why does Saudi Arabia spend billions of dollars to silence the media? Because they are afraid of the knowledge of the people; if a bomb explodes in London or Paris, the whole world will know about it, yet the bombs fall on Yemen all day, every day, and no one says anything.

What is happening in Yemen is not a civil war, but a dirty aggression led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which is fully supported by the White House.

Yemen faces daily airstrikes and food and medicine shortages due to the siege of the Saudi-led coalition.

Not only is the Saudi-led coalition bombing Yemen, but the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries are also complicit in war crimes because they still sell weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, support the siege and remain silent about what is happening in Yemen.

The war in Yemen was declared by Washington on the night of March 26, 2015, and this is a war that the United States does not want people to know about.

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