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Monday, June 17, 2024

We should give equal importance to the people of Palestine and Ukraine

Today, in the presence of her American counterpart, the South African foreign minister criticized the discrimination in the international arena and emphasized that the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people is being ignored.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoted by Sputnik, South African Foreign Minister Naldi Pandu announced on Monday that international rules and laws are not applied fairly.

Read more:

South Africa criticizes Zionist apartheid against Palestinians

The South African Foreign Minister made these statements in a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Johannesburg, South Africa.

According to Sputnik, referring to the exaggeration of what is happening in Ukraine and turning a blind eye to what is happening in Palestine and the Gaza Strip, she added: We should care about the Palestinian people as much as we care about the Ukrainian people.

In its latest crimes in the Gaza Strip, the Zionist regime bombed the residential areas of Gaza for 3 days, as a result of which 45 Palestinians, including 15 children, were martyred and hundreds of others were injured.

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