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Monday, June 17, 2024

Washington: The US energy grid has been the target of ongoing cyber attacks

The US Secretary of Energy announced numerous attacks on the energy grid, including the US power grid, by US enemies.

The US Secretary of Energy warned that the United States is under constant threat of targeting key parts of the power grid.

According to the Independent, US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in an interview with CNN News Network that America’s enemies have the potential to disrupt all or part of the US energy grid, and many are trying to do so.

The US Secretary of Energy said without hesitation to a specific country: “America’s enemies are doing this. I think there are very malevolent actors. There are thousands of attacks on the entire energy sector, whether public or private.”

Granhelm’s remarks came as ransomware attacks in the United States intensified in recent weeks following an attack on an oil company and other incidents, including an attack on a police station in Washington, DC.

High-ranking Justice Ministry officials said in recent days that ransomware attacks in the new classification system have the same priority as terrorist attacks.

According to the Independent, the largest beef producer in the United States recently experienced a ransomware attack.

The White House recently called on companies to take immediate action to better protect themselves against cyberattacks. The White House has called on private companies to take “immediate steps” to better protect themselves against such attacks, following widespread ransomware attacks on an oil pipeline company and a major meat supplier.

In a letter to executives of private companies, Annie Nobarger, the White House Deputy National Security Adviser, said the fight against cyber-attacks was a priority for President Joe Biden’s administration, but said the private sector also had important responsibilities.

In the letter, which appeared in the Washington Post, the White House made several recommendations to companies, including asking them to back up their data.

The largest media provider in the state of Massachusetts in the state of Massachusetts has been targeted by a ransomware, US media have reported in recent days. The attack targeted the Massachusetts Maritime Travel Company, which claims to be the largest provider of daily leisure-cargo services from the Cape Cod Islands to nearby Massachusetts islands.

The company said a team of IT experts was investigating the effects of the cyberattack. The attack coincided with the departure of tourists to Massachusetts to travel to the state’s recreational areas.

Ransom attacks use viruses that encrypt and disrupt documents on a device or network. The perpetrators of this type of cyberattack then extort money in exchange for providing data.

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