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Sunday, June 2, 2024

US official: Israel failed to achieve its goal in Gaza

Following the announcement of a ceasefire between Tel Aviv and the Gaza Strip following widespread rocket attacks by Palestinian resistance groups, a US State Department official stated that Tel Aviv had failed to achieve its goal in the Gaza Strip.

In an interview with Anatolia News Agency, a US State Department official referred to Tel Aviv’s defeat in the 12-day war with Palestinian resistance groups.

The official, who did not want to be named, said in this regard: “Israel – as it claims – has failed to achieve its goal in Gaza and will continue to undermine the ability of the Hamas movement and control it.”

The report, released this morning (Tuesday), also states that the US official “expressed satisfaction with the cessation of hostilities and the parties’ commitment to the ceasefire.”

He added that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken would travel to the Middle East to “discuss some issues, including making the ceasefire permanent and assisting Gaza with [US] regional allies.”

“We appreciate the efforts of Egypt and its decisive role in ending the violence,” he said, thanking Jordan and Qatar for their role in the ceasefire between Gaza and Tel Aviv.

The talks come as the US Secretary of State is scheduled to travel to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Cairo and Oman this week.

Clashes between Palestinian resistance groups and the Zionist regime began on Monday, May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need to end the attacks in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this conflict, which lasted until the morning of Friday (May 21), the Zionist regime, in its attacks on residential areas, killed Palestinian women and children, and Palestinian resistance groups responded to these crimes. Targeted a large-scale rocket attack, and the Iron Dome system failed to intercept many of them.

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