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Monday, June 17, 2024

US: Islamic Cooperation Organization must put pressure on Taliban

The US Special Envoy for Afghanistan’s visit to Jeddah called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to pressure the Taliban to form an inclusive government.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, Reina Amiri, the US special envoy for Afghan women, tweeted that during her visit to Jeddah, she called on representatives of OIC member states to put pressure on the Taliban to live up to its commitments.

Amiri wrote in a tweet: The Islamic world must be at the forefront of holding the Taliban accountable for respecting human rights and fulfilling its commitment to empowering women and girls, with all their diversity in school, work and public and political life.

Read more: Appointment of Special Representative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for Afghanistan: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17126

The US Special Representative added that the meeting also discussed the OIC’s efforts to reduce the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and stressed that human rights and humanitarian issues are interrelated.

She clarified: We called on members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to put pressure on the Taliban to support the formation of an inclusive government and to end the punishment of those who defend their rights.

Amiri also met with the Saudi Academy of Jurisprudence to provide scholarships for women, stressing that women’s rights to study, work and participate in all walks of life, including politics, are undeniable in Islam.

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