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Monday, June 17, 2024

US Food and Drug Administration Uncertainty amid Coronavirus Outbreak

The president has not yet named a permanent director of the Food and Drug Administration, as the government grapples with the crisis over the Corona virus.

At a time when cases of coronavirus delta are on the rise in the United States, President Joe Biden has not yet named a permanent chairman for the Food and Drug Administration, according to the Congressional Information Service.

According to the report, it is still unclear why, six months after Biden took office, this important post is still vacant, but some experts and analysts believe that political issues may have been involved.

Some Democratic senators have put a lot of pressure on the Biden administration to nominate Janet Woodcock, the FDA’s interim director, as its permanent director.

These tensions come as the Food and Drug Administration is under intense pressure to authorize the full use of corona vaccines to rapidly increase vaccination rates in the country and increase public confidence in existing vaccines. About half of the US population has been vaccinated against the Corona virus so far.

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