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Monday, June 17, 2024

US Attorney General: The country is at risk of domestic terrorism

On the 26th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, the US Attorney General has warned of the danger of domestic terrorism in the United States.

According to the Congressional Information Service Speaking on the 26th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Monday: The type and form of terrorist act that took place during the deadly 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City is still with us, and the threat of domestic terrorism remains.

According to the report, Garland, who was involved in the investigation of the main perpetrators of the Oklahoma City bombing, traveled to the city on Monday to honor the victims of this terrorist attack.

He added: Although many years have passed, the danger of domestic terrorism is still with us. Just last month, the FBI warned of a growing threat from domestic extremists. Those who were with us in Oklahoma in April 1995 need no warning. The hate speech made by violent domestic extremists is against Oklahoma standards.

According to the Congressional Information Service Speaking on the 26th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Monday: The type and form of terrorist act that took place during the deadly 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City is still with us, and the threat of domestic terrorism remains.

In March, Jill Sanborn, FBI Assistant Director of Counter-Terrorism, said: Racist extremists and anti-government extremists will be the biggest internal threats in 2021 and 2022.

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