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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Turkey will continue to support Palestine

The President of Turkey announced in a message to the 37th meeting of the Ministers of the Standing Committee on Economic and Trade Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation that his country will continue to support Palestine.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency quoted by Anatolian News Agency, in a video message to the 37th meeting of the Ministers of the Standing Committee on Economic and Trade Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced: We are determined to continue to support the Palestinian cause. As members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, we must all refrain from any action that would make the Palestinian issue less important.

Criticizing the Zionist regime’s illegal settlements, Erdogan continued: We must stop Israel’s policies of illegal settlement, destruction, forced migration, confiscation and evacuation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Read more: Turkey is under pressure from Western countries / Consequences of rising dollar: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15895

In his message, he said that the establishment of lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan is a common desire of all, he said: This is the duty of our brotherhood towards the people of Afghanistan. We must stand with the people of Afghanistan, who have been battling war, conflict, terrorism and occupation for 40 years. The continuation of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, which is facing difficult winter conditions, must be our priority. In my opinion, all of us, as Islamic countries, should be at the forefront of these efforts.

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